November 25-28, 2024 | ICNB 2024 | Phuket, Thailand

2024 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials (ICNB 2024) will be held in Phuket, Thailand during November 25-28, 2024.

Over the past decade, nanomaterials have been the subject of enormous interest. These materials, notable for their extremely small feature size, have the potential for wide-ranging industrial, biomedical, and electronic applications. As a result of recent improvement in technologies to see and manipulate these materials, the nanomaterials field has seen a huge increase in funding from private enterprises and government, and academic researchers within the field have formed many partnerships. The variety of nanomaterials is great, and their range of properties and possible applications appear to be enormous. It is clear that researchers are merely on the threshold of understanding and development, and that a great deal of fundamental work remains to be done.

Biomaterials have been a growing field of interest for over half a century, spanning industries as diverse as medicine, biology, chemistry, materials science and through to engineering. Biomaterials can be used for clinical purposes, drug discovery, or to further understand tissue and organ development. Another area of concern is the biomaterial polymers market as there is a need for more research and development into biodegradable and bio-compatible polymers. One of the many fascinating areas, where biomaterials can be applied is in new dental materials and diagnostic tools. Bioengineering, another prominent area of research, not only includes biomaterials but also biomechanics. It has also been gathering momentum with research encompassing the fields of biomechanics of the hand and wrist , gait analysis and orthopaedics.


Submission Types:

1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)--Template

2. Abstract Only (Presentation ONLY)--Abstract Template

Submission Methods:

1. Online Submission System 2. Send directly to:

Important Dates

Submission Deadline  October 18, 2024 
Notification Deadline  October 28, 2024 
Registration Deadline  November 4, 2024 
Conference Dates  November 25-28, 2024 


Accepted papers with proper registration and presentation will be published in either one of the below listed journals of Scientific.Net collection. Papers will be sent for indexing by Scopus, Inspec, Chemical Abstracts Service, Google Scholar etc.

Materials Science Forum (MSF)
SSN print 0255-5476
ISSN web 1662-9752

Key Engineering Materials (KEM)
ISSN print 1013-9826
ISSN web 1662-9795

Solid State Phenomena (SSP)
ISSN print 1012-0394
ISSN web 1662-9779

Defect and Diffusion Forum (DDF)
ISSN print 1012-0386
ISSN web 1662-9507

Proceedings History:
ICNB 2023: Material Science Forum
ICNB 2022: Material Science Forum (Volume 1090) Online Linkage. Papers were successfully indexed by Scopus!
ICNB 2021: Material Science Forum (Volume 1058) Online Linkage. Papers were successfully indexed by Scopus!
ICNB 2020: Key Engineering Materials (Volume 891) Online Linkage. Papers were successfully indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!
ICNB 2019: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Volume 809) Online Linkage. Papers were successfully indexed by Scopus!
ICNB 2018: Materials Today: Proceedings (Volume 22, Part 2) Online Linkage . Papers were successfully indexed by Scopus!
ICNB 2017: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(Volume 350) Online Linkage . Papers were successfully indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus!




Ms. Elva Zhang



Working Time: Monday - Friday 9:30-18:00 (UTC/GMT+08:00)

Committee Application

Distinguished experts are welcome to join  the international review boards of ICNB and serve as a scientific committee member, Please send your CV to